Here's the Story How:
A Desperate Virgin Destined To Stay Single Forever Turned His Life Around And Became A Badass With Women
WARNING: This special report includes stories of betrayal, defeat, existential crisis, and an epic journey to redemption.
I still remember that one fateful night many years back…

coming home from yet another pointless party…

reeking of booze and failure…

crying my eyes out about what a loser I was…

and how I would stay single forever!
That’s because she went home with my best friend!
And even though I should have been used to it, it was different this time!
This time it was the one girl who I thought cared about me!
The one girl who was always nice to me!
The girl who was supposed to be The One!

I felt crushed! Betrayed!
Not only did my best friend screw me over, but her…
I thought that she would be different…
That she would choose me, the nice, quiet, super friendly guy!
I mean, my friend was like a brother to me, but he always had this reputation of being a player… and I hated him for that! Not because of what he did, but because I couldn’t be like him!
But her…
I thought she would be different from all the other girls…
I thought she would resist his charm and become my girl!
So I just sat there, crying in my room, contemplating my love life… about how much it sucked and how happy I would be to have just one girl who would love me. How I would treat her right and make her the happiest woman alive… if only I got the chance!

Why Are Some Men So Much Better With Women Than Others?

Attract Women By Thinking Differently…

If you are serious about dating multiple women or even just finding your dream girl, you have to start thinking differently than 95% of the male population!
And it all starts with your mindset!
Change your mindset and you will:

Think differently!

Feel differently!

Behave differently!

You will be different!
This also perfectly explains why I was so terrible with women… and my buddy was unstoppable!
They never wanted me because I doubted myself and felt I wasn’t good enough for hot girls! Seriously, what kind of girl wants a guy with an inferiority complex?
My friend, however, was convinced that he was hot shit, so he behaved accordingly! He didn’t chase their approval nor did he put them above himself! As a result, he treated them differently from me… He treated girls how they wanted to be treated!
Even though we were equals in many aspects, we were miles apart when it came to women!
Because here’s the truth about attracting women:
Girls look at your behavior to assess what kind of man you are! So, when a beautiful girl – who is surrounded by guys trying to earn her affection – meets a man who knows his own worth and has the balls to show it, she cannot but feel attracted to him!
So, if you really want to change how women react to you? Then fix your mindset!
But here’s the million-dollar question:
How Do You Do That?
Or better yet…
Well… You basically have two options:
1. You do what I did and spend years trying to figure this shit out. Hoping that somewhere along the line you either find the solution on your own or stumble onto something that will help you (that’s what happened to me).
2. You let someone help you.
Now, if you decide in favor of the first option (or don’t decide at all), there’s really no point for you to continue reading this. In this case, I wish you all the best and hope that you don’t waste your time as I did.
But you already know that this is not why you’re here! You’re here because you want things to change! You want to revolutionize your dating life! That’s why now is the perfect time for me to introduce to you a program called…

“Wait! Hold on… an alpha male? Aren’t alphas supposed to be assholes?”
Not at all! An alpha male isn’t some try-hard who’s a dick to people just because he can; or because he’s compensating for something. Neither is he someone who mistreats or abuses women!
In fact, he treats women better than any other guy! Not because he fills their every wish, but because he gives them exactly what they secretly desire!
Here’s the thing… an alpha male can be anyone! From a battle-hardened marine to a garbage man.
What makes him stand out from everybody else is his mindset. A mindset that gives him the freedom to be whoever he wants to be and do whatever he wants to do!
While he is never going to treat people badly just because he can’t cope with his own reality, he will also never let anybody tell him what he can or cannot do!
And this is the basic premise my course is built on:
To help you to adopt the mindset of a true alpha!
Not some wannabe who acts tough only because he thinks he is better than everyone else.
"But John, How Do You Know You Can Help Me?"

I have to confess something: when describing my situation to you before, I left some things out!
You see, not only did I suck with women, but I also had terrible social anxiety. It was so bad, that I struggled with talking to strangers and even the mere thought of being alone in a crowd of people scared the shit out of me. On top of that, I was plagued with irrational fears – fears so absurd and stupid, that I can’t even bring myself to write about them here. And of course, I was incredibly desperate and had no confidence to speak of!
In short, I was a complete mess!
But here’s the thing: I still managed to do it, to changed my life!
So, if you think that you wouldn’t be able to do what I did, my answer to that would be: BULLSHIT!
Because you know what? Even though I don’t know you personally, I know one thing about you:
You’re an action taker!
That’s why you’re here, reading this! You want to change and are here because you’re looking for a solution! You’re already miles ahead of the guy I used to be!
So if a mess like me could do it, so can you!
Now, I won’t bore you with all the details about how I changed my life, but I want to tell you that I went from a guy with a defeatist attitude and a fucked-up mindset to someone who never quits.
I toughened up and got my shit together! And as a result, my success with women skyrocketed!
To date, my mindset (and life) has changed dramatically and I’ve achieved things I could only have dreamed about all these years ago:

I’ve dated and slept with countless beautiful, amazing women and had them chasing me. I went from a guy no girl wanted to someone who has to say “NO” to girls!

I’m at the point in my life where I can actually choose which woman I want to turn into a girlfriend. This is due to the fact that I know (not believe) that I can make any woman happy, not by doing things for her, but by being the kind of man she wants as a long-term partner.

I know that any woman who ends up in a relationship with me can consider herself lucky!

But maybe my proudest achievement is getting over my anxieties and negative mindset!
Today, I’m not worried about ending up alone anymore!
The things that used to haunt me in the past – like neediness, desperation, and inadequacy – now stay in the past.
I am a completely different person!
And now, after being in the game for more than 10 years… constantly learning and improving myself… I have decided to share my knowledge with the world! With You!
That’s why I created this course for guys like you, so you can go through the same mindset transformation as I did, only with the difference that you’re not wasting years like I did but reap the benefits much sooner!
So… What can you expect from Rules of the Alpha Male?
As soon as you join this program, you’ll get immediate access to the exclusive member’s area!
There you’ll find the e-book Rules of the Alpha Male with many additional content and bonuses (more about them below).
The course itself is built with one specific goal in mind: to provide you with the alpha male mentality that will turn you into a more confident version of yourself – into someone who attracts women naturally!
And it doesn’t even matter what your goals are! Whether you intend to seduce girls, already date them, or are in a committed relationship with one. If you want to see positive changes in these areas of your life, then this course is for you!
But Rules of the Alpha Male also goes beyond just success with women! It focuses on improving your inner-self by turning you into someone who has the mental fortitude to become someone who you always wanted to be! It gives you the freedom to actually feel good in your own body, without worrying about the judgment of others!
If you follow the advice in this course to the letter, there’s no doubt in my mind that you’re going to see dramatic changes in your life!
But let’s look at some of the things you’re going to learn…
This is What Rules of the Alpha Male Will Teach You…

But let’s take a look at the other materials that are included in Rules of the Alpha Male!
I wrote two additional books that will make your transformation even faster and efficient!
If you decide to get my program today, you’ll also get:

The Single Life Bible
The Single Life Bible was written with one specific goal in mind: to provide you with the necessary tool-set to get women. It’s meant to turn you into someone who takes action immediately without hesitation! Someone who approaches women and gets results!
This book adds a lot of value to this program because it takes you step-by-step through all the necessary stages – from meeting a woman to sleeping with her. Learn how to eliminate your approach anxiety, the nagging thoughts in your head that tell you not to approach women, and get rid of the dreaded “what to do next” situations.
With The Single Life Bible you’ve got everything you ever needed to take your single life to the next level!

The Alpha Relationships
Ever wanted to know what makes an alpha male so successful in his relationships? Well, this bonus will reveal it to you! Not only that, it will actually teach you how you can implement it into your relationship!
Enjoy a long and harmonious relationship with a woman who never feels the need to nag or belittle you. Become someone she looks up to and admires – someone, she can’t stop but brag about to all her girlfriends! Never worry about her leaving simply because she’s just too damn happy with you!
The Alpha Relationships can help you to revive a stagnant relationship or build a new, strong and lasting one!
Want more?
You got it!
In addition to these two books, you’ll also get the following bonuses:

Self-Confidence Transformation
When it comes to attraction, confidence is one of the key elements that will determine how successful you’re going to be. It will change the way you approach different situations and how people are going to react to you.
This book can help you to become an action taker – someone who won’t let fear hold him back. Overcome your social anxiety and become a man who doesn’t shy away from challenges!
Become confident and change your life!

Be Yourself Seduction
Ever heard of the “just be yourself” dating advice? No matter what you might think of it, there’s actually some truth to it.
This book will turn you into an authentic man. A man who feels no need to hide who he really is! Someone who has the courage to just be himself and still attract women!
Learn to be yourself and still get women! Stop pretending to be someone else so you can get laid! It just doesn’t work! Drop the act and be yourself, and you’ll see how effective it actually is!

Get Her Back
So you lost her and there’s no way to get her back! Or maybe there is? There still could be something you could do… something that would change her mind and convince her that leaving you was the biggest mistake of her life!
If you’re determined to get her back, then this little guide will teach you how to do that. Get your ex-girlfriend back and make her want to stay for good this time!
Fine, on top of your bonuses…
you will get…

You know what?
One more…
Screw it, last one…
for a very, very limited time only…
Maybe you’re wondering now how much this course is worth…
Well, I could easily ask $300 for it.
Rules of the Alpha Male with all the bonuses is well worth over $350.
Even my readers suggested not to dip the prize below $79… and I’m only talking about the main book here…
But you know what?
Screw it!
I’m going to make you an exclusive, limited-time offer!
If you order today, you get everything for… $297
Nope, way too much! How about… $197
Still too much! Then maybe… $97
Because I want you to succeed and not go broke at the same time, I’m not going to ask more than…
Yes, the whole package for just $47!
That’s $50 LESS than I had originally planned! Even $30 LESS than my readers advised me to ask for the main book alone!
And this comes with… No hidden fees! No recurring payments! Just pay once and it’s yours FOREVER!
But hurry! I’m not sure how long I’m going to keep it at this discount! Eventually the price is going up to $97!
So if you want to grab this program at a discounted price, you still have the chance! Just hit the button below…

Membership Includes: