Single life can be fucking awesome! It’s the truth! That is, if you actually know what the hell you’re doing! While the majority of men are always in search of a girlfriend, it’s the single life that can sometimes bring you the most pleasure.
That’s why you shouldn’t immediately try to jump into a relationship, but actually make this part of your life work. So when you eventually find the right girl and decide to become exclusive with her, you won’t feel like you’re missing out on something.
Also, you never know if it’s going to work out with that one girl you’re planning to date, that’s why it’s vital that you know how to get back in the game and find a new one!
But if you already knew all of this and want to take your single life to a new level, then this book can help you.
Just a heads up, if you have already read Rules of the Alpha Male, be advised that some of the information you’ll find here will repeat. Rather than forcing you to go back to it and search for specific advice that relates to your single life, I’m going to include it here.
But fear not, this won’t be a cheap copy-paste job because I’m going to expand on the advice here quite a lot. In fact, you will find a lot of advice here that wasn’t in the main book!With this out of the way, here’s the Single Life Bible.